Healing Sessions
Have you ever felt that you would like to let go of how you feel, let go of negative thoughts and emotions? Clear your head and be able to choose what thoughts you want to think and how you want to feel? Not be controlled by your emotions but to be able to feel joy no matter what is happening in your external world. Have you ever wanted to let go of a painful memory, a trauma, the endless need to worry, always feeling anxious or bottomless sadness like a depression? Do you suffer from chronic pain or illness?

Do you feel you cannot connect with your family and your ancestors? Would you like to heal your ancestral linage and reconnect to your heritage and open up to the love, wisdom and strength that travels down from your ancestors?
My name is Kristina, I am a Healer that opened up to metaphysical gifts through a profound spiritual experience where I opened my third eye and experienced a full Kundalini Awakening. Afterwards I could feel how other people felt intimately and I could also go inside their energetic bodies with my mind and clear out blockages and open up energetic pathways only with my mind as a tool.
By blockages I mean all negative thoughts and emotions that we have stored in our energetic self that doesn’t allow the flow of energy to properly run through. These blockages creates stagnancy and imbalance which later will be shown as physical, mental and emotional imbalance and disease.
I help you remove energetic blockages from your energy body and activate your energy centres, your chakras throughout your physical and energetic self.
The session starts with me asking you if you have any specific issues that you would like me to work on, allowing me to read you energetically as you speak. Allowing you to set your own personal intention for the session. My own intention in all healing sessions is to help you open up so that the energy can run through your being freely from the top of your crown, down your body, down your legs and into the ground.

As you loosen and dissolve the physical and psychological knots that bind your body and mind, you are literally enlarging your capacity to channel the energy of life. Creative life energy will flow through you more easily, with greater volume and power and as it does, you will experience more ease and less disease, feeling and becoming more alive. You will become increasingly peaceful inside, less conflicted and you will experience yourself clearly as a uniquely beautiful expression of the creative God Force.
The session will start by me asking you to lie down and relax but to remain conscious, the whole session is done through telepathic transmission but you will be able to feel the energies moving as you let go of everything that doesn't serve you.
Before I begin I will ask for permission to enter you energy body, and as I tune into your energy body I will have a open discussion with you of what blockages, thought forms, images that I receive, at the same time as I am opening energetic pathways and removing the blockages for you. I will also activate different centres of your brain, different glands and organs throughout your being so that they will function at their optimum capacity. As well as activating their energetic counterparts throughout your energetic and physical Self.

In the end when I feel that you are balanced and that the energy is running freely throughout your being, I will close the ‘circuits’ between us. The healing will continue long after the session is over and the new encodings and new programmings that you have received will continue to activate your light body to its optimum capacity. That means that you will continue to shed everything that is not in alignment with your Higher Self, with your greatest joy and wellbeing. So you will continue to open up to more Love and Light, allowing you to start to shine from inside out.
All healing sessions are done over Whats'App long-distance as I only need to be given the permission to enter your energy field to be able to do my work and I can do so from anywhere in the world, unless you come to Peru and visit me.
If you have any questions please check out my FAQ page!
"Kristina, for eternity I will not forget what you have done for me, you truly are a walking miracle. I can't thank you enough. You have given my life back. You're amazing 🤗 you said you were good at what you do. Not just good. Stupendously amazing. God bless you."
"Dear Kristina, You are an amazing person with a very special gift of healing. I am blessed to have met you. Thank you for your time. My heart is filled with courage to face what the future has ahead of me. My world has more colour because of you. Thank you."
"I just wanted to let you know that I feel like a totally different person today! Or I should say I feel more like my "old" self. The change is so dramatic I can't believe it. I went for a walk yesterday after our phone call and started to feel better but the change is really phenomenal. Today I don't feel ANY hurt in my stomach or heart. YOU ARE AMAZING! I can't thank you enough."
"Aloha Kristina,
I feel So Good today!! I can breathe deeper, I feel clear headed and lighter, the heaviness and stiffness around my head neck shoulders is gone, the pain in my mid back is gone which was with me a long time, and I feel more positive.
Yesterday after our session I was very tired and took it easy. I felt the huge energy work you did while you worked on me. I am So grateful to receive this healing...the best. You are an earth angel with an amazing gift. I Thank you and the Universe for this session.
Love and gratitude"